Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Wine Preference Survey: experts NOT invited (sort of)

We have launched a new consumer wine preference survey to collect information as a precursor to our revolutionary Consumer Wine Awards at Lodi ( project and would very much appreciate having anyone and everyone help us get this out into the world. I will be sharing results and insights as we go he at my blog. This year our wine evaluations for the CWAL will be conducted using the process been developing for the past three years and will be using up to a couple of hundred consumers!

As for this survey, we are focused on collecting information and want to get this into the hands of every day wine drinkers that are tired of the ‘stuffy’ or snobbish attitudes of wine experts. I would be beholdin’ to ya if you might be able to forward this on to anyone you think might be interested and help us get it out there? We are anticipating well over 1,000 consumer responses between now and March 2010 and will share the data with those who help us get this out. Here is what we are sending to family and friends – we also want to hear from the industry to compare how we align, or not, with the every day consumers out there.

Our consumer wine preference survey is now live and we need your help. This is a formal research project produced in conjunction with the Consumer Wine Awards at Lodi ( and our sensory research teams at UC Davis and around the world. Our intention is to collect information that will enable us (wine geeks, dweebs, wonks and wusses) to learn new ways to make wine more fun, less stuffy and truly transform how we, as experts and professionals, can be of service to wine consumers.

Please help us broadcast this! We need to drive every day wine consumers to this and appreciate any help you can provide tweeting, blogging, emailing, talking (analogue means of communication for those unfamiliar with term), newslettering, YouTubing Facebooking, texting, LinkedIn-ing, and anything else anyone can think of. THANKS!

***Survey link: ***

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